2015/3 meeting and subsequent newsletters with draft documents

Meeting 8 March 2015

70 people attended the initial workshop in Picton. The Association was represented by Ken Roush and John Davison.

The follow up meeting that was scheduled for 22 March has been delayed (so attendees could consult with their stakeholder groups) has been postponed until 3 May. Both Ken Roush and John Davison intend to attend again.

Marlborough Sounds Integrated Management Trust (that hosted the meeting) have provided information on the content of the 8 March meeting.


Whilst notes were taken at the meeting, the information provided by the Trust is much more extensive and comprehensive. The link leads you to:

  • A press release issued by the Trust;
  • Details of issues and interests expressed by attendees;
  • A process map;
  • A draft scoping paper;
  • Mapping and vision exercises produced by the attendees of the meeting;
  • Draft/potential Stakeholders Working Group terms of reference; and
  • A proposed structure.

The site also takes you to various presentations that were given. These include:

  • Steve Urlich of Marlborough District Council giving an outline of MDC’s support for the trust and the scientific research undertaken in the Sounds;
  • Sean Handley of NIWA giving a history of benthic change in the Pelorus Sound;
  • Chris Cornelisen of Cawthron outlining the history of research in the Sounds; and
  • Nick Main, the chair of the Hauraki Gulf Stakeholder Group, explaining the way that stakeholder group has organised itself and what it has done.

24 March newsletter

The Trust has provided a draft scoping document. It proposes four principles. These are:

  • Big picture and future focussed;
  • No Duplication;
  • Clear value-added; and
  • Results oriented.

The boundaries suggested by the Trust are:

  • The boundaries of the MDC;
  • Looking beyond the 12 mile limit to take matters such as fishing and oil/gas exploration into account; and
  • The land area as it impacts the marine environment.

The scoping document intends to focus on the long-term so as not to get involved in operation issues of the day and the legal issues that surround these. The draft scoping document is enclosed:

MMF Scope March 8 2015 SWG

The Trust is seeking feedback on these matters.

31 March newsletter

The Trust provided further information regarding its processes, structure and working documents.

At a very broad level:

  • SWG and MMF Steering Group formation should be complete by June 2015;
  • Information collation and exploration underway until June 2016; and
  • Issues definition, solution generation and strategy development by June 2018.

The Trust states that the Steering Group’s core function is governance – determining scope, resourcing and accountabilities. The proposed Steering Group will consist of community representatives via the Trust, Iwi, participating agencies (MDC, DOC, MPI, and potentially MfE and MBIE) and our sustainable seas research partners (NIWA and Cawthron). The Trust is also proposing that a facilitator rather than an independent chair be appointed.

The draft terms of reference of the Stakeholder Working Group is also enclosed:


8 April Newsletter

Hi all
We’ve caught up with many of you over the last couple of weeks as we’ve been out and about and have appreciated your engagement and taken note of your interests and concerns. The key things we’ve been hearing (both on the 8th and subsequently) include:
  • A lot of people have put a lot of work in over a lot of years to address the issues we’re working with;
  • The process must be custom made for our community, our environment, our economy and our issues – whilst we can learn from previous processes, our context is unique and the process must provide for that;
  • It is critical to engage widely on this – as well as having practical outcomes in the real world, a large part of the process is learning how to work together on issues that matter and will make a real difference.
The Trust is committed to “joining the dots and ensuring the gaps are filled” – in our view, there is a lot of great work being done that relates to Marlborough but the greatest issue is the lack of integration between them.  If each process is looking only at part of the puzzle, no matter how great the outcome designed for that piece is, there is still a lack of functionality for the whole.  I want to take this opportunity to reiterate that the Trust does not have any predetermined agenda or sectoral bias – our role is to facilitate the collaborative process that let’s the stakeholders work out what is right for Marlborough.
We’re forwarding the latest Marlborough Marine Futures newsletter this week. It contains some reports on the workshop of the 8th including the science presented and introduces in greater depth Raymond Smith, a Trustee. As well as reading it for your own interest, please forward it to people who you think need to know about this process. You are a critical part of ensuring your sector is well informed.
A reminder to get your registrations, and those of key people in your sector/interest area, in for the meeting on 3 May to select members for the Stakeholder Working. Every potential member needs to be there on the day and every interest needs to be represented. For more information see www.marlmarinefutures.co.nz.–
​Eric Jorgensen
Marlborough Sounds Integrated Management Trust​

MSIMT Newsletter April 2015

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